
Ce-ram-ic 1: of or relating to the art of fashioning clay into useful or ornamental objects and hardening them by firing at high temperatures.

Although this page was primarily a page for the Ceramics Program at Napa Valley College, it is no longer being maintained as such. However, you will find references to many other aspects of the art of ceramics, as well as being a reference page for the period (through 2001) at NVC that it covered. No one source can be comprehensive, so if you happen upon it, enjoy what is here, and hopefully there will be something useful for any visitor.

Robert Brady Sculpture

(For information about Robert Brady, click on his name; for information about this sculpture in front of the art center, click on the image.)

(Photo taken in 2000)

Beyond the Classroom:

  • Events - This page will give you information about coming sales, guest artists, workshops, or other possible items of interest.
Above: Karen Winograde and Pat Perez raise a toast to the last Clay and Wine in the Vineyard - 1996.

History and/or other pages of interest:

This page may still be modified from time to time, so it wouldn't hurt to check back!
This page was maintained by Carolyn Broadwell; it was last modified on 9/9/03