The Model T Ford!

I have always believed that the car my parents had when I was born was a Model T Ford; I'm not sure where the idea came from. I went browsing on the web for images to match it against, and to link it with (hanging participle there!). I think I mentioned somewhere else that Sarah and I saw one for sale on eBay that could have been the twin of this car, but having no place to put it, we passed it by. (Sarah bought her 2CV on ebay!) And I expected it to be easy to find a picture of a car like that one! No such luck. In my explorations, however, I found the Model T Ford Club of America, and sent a message to their forum for help in identifying this car. The respondents all seem to agree; it is a 1926 or 1927 Model T. However, the cars I found that looked (and looks can be decieving, I know) most like this, but not exactly, I hasten to say, are Model A Fords, and they are in Denmark! They can be seen at:
When you get to that page, go to the photos, then the roadsters. They are certainly beautiful, and in much better condition - at least in the photos - that the car above at the time of this photo. The scenery in the background is beautiful, too.

This page was last modified on 2/22/01.